Samstag, 26. November 2016

Letter to Erdogan

Die Augsburger Allgemeine hat am 26.11. einen Kommentar von Winfried Züfle veröffentlicht:

Winfried Züfle schreibt:
"Europa muss vor Erdogan nicht zittern. Wenn in der Türkei etwas falsch läuft, darf und muss dies auch künftig angeprangert werden."
Richtig. Deshalb ergänzend ein offener Brief an Erdogan:

Mr. Erdogan,

you threatened Europe. You want to open Turkish borders and let refugees go to Europe. You think Europe will understand this as an sign of your strength and power.
What Europe is understanding:
  • You had to handle a coup in July 2016. The coup failed due to your reaction and the resistance of democratic Turkish people.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to prosecute the responsible persons. The prosecution of the responsible persons require a reasoning with no room for doubt - take this as a core element of our understanding of a modern state. You did not deliver that reasoning. You aver the responsibility of Mr. Gülen and his movement but you did not proof it.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to search all responsible persons in order of prosecution. Europe is able to believe that many people may be involved in the coup. Europe is in doubt to believe the huge number of people you pretend to be guilty. You did not proof their personal duty.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to develop as the state and it's people desire. It's the right of the state's leader to try to influence the people to make them follow him. Europe calls this Democracy. Democracy is not just a name, it requires to be executed every day.
  • It's the right of the democratic leader to influence the people. A strong leader will convince. A strong leader is able to handle divergent points of view. To inhibit the divergent points of view is not democratic. As long as you repress opposition, newspapers, tv stations and so on you do not behave as a democratic leader.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to punish the guilty. Europe does not see death penalty as a valid punishment. Death punishment has massive moral and legal hazards. It took decades to understand this. Therefore Europe will never allow a state to be an European member which executes death penalty. Only a weak leader needs this kind of demonstration of his imaginary strength.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to get information about the persons involved in the coup. Europe does not see torture as a way to go to gather valid information.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to protect itself. Europe does not understand bombs as a reasonible protection. Not for the Turkish state, not for the PKK. Bombing without war is terror. Terror is not a democratic method to handle conflicts. It's words and the idea of compromise.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to reach out for easy travelling for it's people. But it's the right of the other states to set some restrictions.
  • It's daily business in politics to offer and require. It's the right of the Turkish state to require something for something it offers. You offered closed borders, you got paid. Democrats differ between requirement and threat. Opening borders is a threat. Refugees are no weapon.
  • It's the right of the representatives of the Turkish state to demand respect. But there is a difference between the appointment of the representative and the person. The more erratic the person seems the less Europe will be able the deal with that person.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to try to get politically closer to a specific region. But this requires a minimum of common sense. Europe sees Democracy as one basic element, humanity another. Even if Europe may not be perfect in fulfilling it's own requirements it's valid to require that from new potential European members.
  • It's the right of the Turkish state to go to West or East. Even and would be OK. But you should keep in mind the possible reactions of the West and the East. A strong leader is able to anticipate these reactions and make advantageous decisions for all involved parties.
European doors are wide open for everybody sharing a basic set of common sense. As long as you do not proof sharing this set the door is not wide open for you. But it keeps open to enable you to show and enable Europe to see your current set. Europe is very patient with you. Don't destroy what grew up for years. A destroyer is newer a strong leader.

Stefan Deutzmann

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